Our Story

My mission?

As a Mom and an occupational therapist, it’s simple. With intentionally of heart, we open the door of hope for families living with dyslexia.

Just like you, this all began with my own search to help my daughter.

As she moved along in school, typical after-school playtime filled with laughter and fun was replaced with the avoidance of homework, tears, and meltdowns. My heart broke a little more each day as her spiraling negative self-talk took over.

Am I a horrible mom? What am I doing wrong?

Why is this so hard? Is this normal? No one else has this problem.
Will it be like this forever? Will she be okay?

Out of a need to work through our own family struggles with dyslexia, I founded the Dyslexia Center of Tulsa over a decade ago. I’ve been able to provide a therapeutic program for hundreds of children to reach grade-level reading. Throughout this journey, I’ve learned that dyslexia is not just about reading and learning for a child. I’ve met so many families who’ve gone through similar after-school struggles at home, just like we did.

It hurt my heart to know parents had nowhere to turn. I am so grateful to have provided a safe place for parents to be vulnerable and start to heal.

As I shared own my story, parents began to share their stories, too. Soon it became all too common to hear the same story, different home. Dyslexia is not just about the individual nor is it only about reading. Dyslexia impacts the choices we make and what interests in life we pursue. Those close to a person with dyslexia see the daily struggles with self-esteem, depression, anxiety, and willingness to participate in meaningful activities for fear of shame or embarrassment.

As a parent myself and an active listener to stories shared by other parents, I know the struggles we face are far from what we thought in our dreams of family and parenting. 

Where did all the joy go?

This is what sparked DyslexiaRx.

Our DyslexiaRx Community is your soft place to land.

Whether you’re are at the beginning of your dyslexia journey or have been journeying for what feels like a lifetime, you’ll find a community of like-minded people here with us. We provide resources, support, and strategies to enhance communication and self-esteem, and bring back the joy of learning and being a family.

If you feel you, your child, your student, your niece or nephew, a sister or brother, or a grandchild would benefit from our services, please visit our services page to make an appointment.

If you’re unsure, feel free to contact us. If we are not the answer, we will help you find the resources you need. Dr. Stack’s Professional Qualifications

From one parent’s heart to another, we are here to help!